Saturday, July 20, 2013

REVIEW: Grown Ups 2

July 20, 2013

By Zach Geibler

Yes, we have another hit from the genius minds of Happy Madison productions

Can it beat Jack and Jill? Can it beat That’s My Boy?

Monday, July 8, 2013

REVIEW: Monsters University

July 8, 2013

By Zach Geibler

Pixar has as of late been able to strike the generation of children who have grown up watching their movie emotionally and genuinely through sensitive themes of growing up and moving on. Toy Story 3 was a blockbuster hit in 2010, even being nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. Pixar’s newest story is another reboot of a beloved movie Monsters Inc. This was the first major director attempt from Dan Scanlon. Lead Voice actors of Billy Crystal and John Goodman also returned.

REVIEW: This Is The End

July 8, 2013

By Zach Geibler

This is the End is just the next stoner, slapstick, goofball, movie from the mind of Seth Rogen with the help of friends like James FrancoJonah HillCraig Robinson,Jay Baruchel, and even the nut-ball Danny McBride. The twist on this plot this time is that the actors are playing themselves, or at least radical extremist version of themselves and character they have played in the past. The movie was unique in this aspect. Just like brethren comedies like Pineapple Express the comedy is based on casual conversational humor as well as ridiculous antics and problems. It’s the new generation of comedy, mixed all together in an apocalyptic movie of epic proportions. Now were these proportions funny? That is the question.

REVIEW: Silver Linings Playbook

July 8, 2013

By Zach Geibler

The king of dysfunctional families is portrayed in David O. Russell's adaptation of the Michael Quick's debut novel of the same name. This bad boy was received well by critics, and received eight Academy Award nominations including in all four major actor categories. Albeit it only got to celebrate one win, there is no doubt that the movie seemed to have an effect on people. Was it the same for me?

REVIEW: Groundhog Day

July 8, 2013

By Zach Geibler

The classic comedy is 20 years old, so i decided to just write a short blurb after another watch (So Many Already). Directed by Harold Ramis It is a movie that never gets old, that revolves around Phil Connors (Bill Murrary) who is a Pittsburgh weatherman who goes to Punxsutawny, PA to report Groundhogs Day. He is self-centered, quickly annoyed, and mean with a sense of humor. He is as his associate Larry puts it a "Primadonna". He begins to experience the same day, the same events over and over and over again. He at first is struck with fear, but than begins to have fun with his superior knowledge and memorized trends. He can eat without consequences  perform crimes and heists and get out of jail free, and much more. He than begins to focus his time to woo associate and producer Rita, but cannot seem to get it right. After failed suicides, outbursts, and depression like no other (He just wakes up the next day) and apparently 12 years of the some 'ole crap ( he memorizes the entire episode of Jeopardy for the day at everyone in the rooms amazement), he creates the perfect day for himself, learns languages and instruments, and helps everyone, saves lives, finds himself and finds love for Rita, the town, and his life.